
Milo brand is the world’s leading chocolate malt beverage that can be prepared with hot or cold milk or water. Given its popularity it is a “must have” product for food service operators particularly in Asia, Africa and Oceania. Loved and trusted by parents and kids alike!

Milo products offer essential vitamins and minerals::

– calcium for strong teeth and bones

– iron to carry oxygen to the body’s cells

– vitamin A for healthy eye sight

– vitamins B1 and B2 to help release energy from foods

– Vitamin C to keep skin and gums in good shape.


This product is manufactured in Singapore.

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Milo brand is the world’s leading chocolate malt beverage that can be prepared with hot or cold milk or water. Given its popularity it is a “must have” product for food service operators particularly in Asia, Africa and Oceania. Loved and trusted by parents and kids alike!

Milo products offer essential vitamins and minerals::

– calcium for strong teeth and bones

– iron to carry oxygen to the body’s cells

– vitamin A for healthy eye sight

– vitamins B1 and B2 to help release energy from foods

– Vitamin C to keep skin and gums in good shape.


This product is manufactured in Singapore.

Additional information


400G, 1.5KG


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